Environmentalism is a movement that arose in response to global environmental crises.
Saving our planet, lifting people out of poverty, advancing economic growth… these are one and the same fight. We must connect the dots between climate change, water scarcity, energy shortages, global health, food security and women’s empowerment. Solutions to one problem must be solutions for all.
Ban Ki-moon – Secretary General of the United Nations 2007-2016
Even a cursory search on the internet for inspirational quotes about ‘environmentalism’ will generate page after page of results. But what resonates with this particular quote from Ban Ki-moon – the former Secretary General of the United Nations – isn’t just its bald directness. Or its irresistible call to action.
What this quote demonstrates most potently is the holistic nature of the challenge ahead, embracing both the welfare of the planet and its people.
Because, when it comes to addressing the profound social and environmental issues we face as a global community, the two cannot be distinguished from one another – and indeed the success of any intervention rests entirely on its positive impact across both areas.
This holistic approach is clearly evident in the buy-in from global leaders to tackling the universal challenges laid out in the flagship 2015 Global Sustainable Development Report.
The seventeen UN Sustainable Development Goals encapsulate the vision of world leaders to embark on an ambitious and collective response to address issues such as ending poverty and protecting the planet’s natural resources.
Because underpinning this ambitious environmentalism programme is a call for us all to play our part. In our homes, our communities, and our workplaces.
EaaSi Carbon shares both this vision and holistic approach. We are committed to encouraging and empowering businesses to become Net Zero. First, by understanding their carbon reporting footprint and then, by mitigating its impact.
EaaSi Carbon has a portfolio of ethical energy providers which offer sustainable supply and value for money. So, we can advise businesses on their energy switching options to ensure they’re getting a good deal.
For just £120 flat annual fee, we can help you navigate through all the variables to reach a solution that works for you. And because we’re not on commission, we’re not beholden to any energy supplier or broker, so you can be assured that our advice is wholly impartial.
Once you sign up with us, you’ll have access to our customer portal which helps you keep track of your invoices and energy consumption.
If you then decide to ethically offset your carbon emissions, we can help here too.
We work in partnership with Play It Green, a Manchester-based, award-winning organisation which co-ordinates tree planting schemes in communities across the globe. It doesn’t stop there. As well planting trees to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, this programme of activities delivers a raft of environmental, social and economic benefits.
Such as creating jobs and providing livelihoods for people in impoverished communities. Replenishing lost eco-systems and giving access to clean water supplies.
Raising both life expectancy and aspiration. In fact, Play It Green is delivering on many of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Our solution also makes a difference back here in the UK.
By signing up with EaaSi carbon, we can automate your carbon reporting for just £60 per site per year, so you can generate an annual carbon report to share with stakeholders, customers, suppliers and team members, and even the HMRC.
Because we understand there are commercial benefits to be had from demonstrating you ‘walk the walk’. We’ll even provide you with your own online ‘Forest Garden’ to show and share the positive impact you’re having as a business.
Our monthly subscription service gives your business access to resources that will develop a climate positive workforce. At £5 per month per employee, this is a cost-effective way of demonstrating your business’ green credentials in-house.
In return we’ll offset your employee’s average annual carbon footprint and provide you with resources to engage your team and inspire them to get active in tackling climate change.
Oh and did we mention that 10% of your monthly subscription will be invested in one of a number of good causes…? Yep, that’s something else we offer, too.
And this is what we mean by our holistic approach.
For a nominal commitment, you can take advantage of all these features and benefits on the EaaSi Carbon platform. The question is, can you really afford not to?
The longer we delay, the more we will pay. Ban Ki-moon
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